The Ohio Red Setter Field Trial Club ran their first trial in several years, as we hope to get the trial back on a regular schedule after a hiatus of several years during the economic downturn. The trial was run at our traditional location at Grand River Wildlife Management Area outside of Bristolville Ohio. We had a small but very quality entry of 24 dogs run today.
Special thanks to our judges Brandon Kruer and Dave Park for their time in the saddle. Also a "hats off" to Nick Ciani of Madison Ohio who spent the day on foot planting bird for the Open Derby and Open Shooting. He walked at least 10 braces today under sometimes muddy conditions to ensure everyone had an opportunity to point birds. Well done Brandon, Dave, and Nick!
Thanks also to Purina for your support of our Pennsylvania Walking Shooting Dog Association. Our sport would not be the same without your support and your great dog food. Please support Purina by purchasing their products.
Finally, thanks to everyone who participated today! Your support of our trial and of the PWSDA is greatly appreciated and promotes the walking trials in our region. We hope to see you again!
Nick Ciani... bird planter
Open Derby winners
1st: Al Fazenbaker with Stormie
2nd: John McKellopp with Sunny
3rd: Gary Pritt with Gabbie
Also shown... Brian Ralph, Dave Park (judge), Nick Ciani, Brandon Kreuer (judge), Craig Hazlett
Open Shooting Dog winners
1st: Al Fazenbaker with Ruby
2nd: Gary Pritt with Sam
3rd: Craig Hazlett with Hank
Also shown... Ron Cassidy, Dave Park (judge), Nick Ciani, Brandon Kreuer (judge), Brian Ralph, John McKellop
Open Puppy winners
1st: Norm Meeder with Mickie
2nd: Eric Dye with Cam
3rd: Deb Fazenbaker with Minnie
Also shown... Gary Pritt, Ron Cassidy, Dave Park (judge), Nick Ciani, Brandon Kreuer (judge), Brian Ralph
Hope to see everyone in the fall!